Friday, 9 March 2012

Miserable Bastard.

Blogging from mobile app, so don't know how this will look.

I had not intended to be such a whiny bastard this week. There are a few contributory factors, the chief of which is loneliness. You lose your 'friends' with HCV. They say they'll be there, but you can no longer be the fun creature you once were. Gradually they drift away.

Some say your cyber relationships don't matter, they aren't real. Well, they are pretty much all I have nowadays and I'll fight like a lion to keep them. I have said before that I won't beg for anything. Yes I will. You fucking well know I will. You're not a collection of avatars, you are people, my VIPs.

Also, in 2 weeks I have a PCR blood test, when they count the number of Blair's in your blood. If, at 12/48 weeks you have not cleared the virus so that it is undetectable, treatment is stopped, because you are not going to clear. I have no reason to suppose that this will happen, I went from 654,040 Blairs down to 1448 in the first 4 weeks, but it is a hell of a worry the closer it gets.


  1. Twitter break but HAVE NOT LEFT! And definitely not leaving you right now. DM or email (address is on my about page of blog) anytime.

    Seriously. I mean it.

  2. Thank you princess. I will probably use it too! It's just been an all round shitty week with too many memories and so much self-doubt. Hoping that you are ok and that you'll be back when you're ready. Xx
