Those who have been in a similar frame of mind, will know that depression is not just a state, it is a place, only seen in the mind's eye, but nonetheless, a place. And I was straining to see in the gloom when Death passed by with a nod and a pale grin.You don't so much see him, as sense him. I knew it was him. We've met a couple of times before, you see, and there's a unique feel to the atmosphere when he's about. He should have had me back in 1979 on a banked, wooded road in Northern Ireland. He failed and that patrol all went home in one piece.(This is the only time I will speak of that incident). This time, though I don't think I could ever go through with it myself, I started to understand how for many, the easiest thing in the world would be to go with him. I had never thought that way before and don't want to again, so I laughed at him - because that's what you have to do.
I kept tweeting and several kind souls stopped to ask if i was OK. I was so touched, but I wanted my special ones, none of whom owe me a damned second look and I don't think social media is the place to be for instant response. I have some new magic pills now. It will take a little time for them to balance with what I was taking before. Jeez, I hope they work.
And my dear little group of supporters? I love you all so much. I'll probably continue to build you up into what you are not and expect far too much of you. Tell me if I'm a pain. Come to me if you can. I can never express fully my gratitude that you were here at all, and though it's not the macho way, I confess that I need you and could not do without you. Thank you. *sniffs*
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